According to ChatGPT – ChatGPT Responses May Be Less Context-Specific

In a recent ‘dialogue’ with ChatGPT…

I explored AI responses tied to questions about optimism and pessimism. After a few Q&A iterations, ChatGPT made an interesting and controversial comment about “context”. ChatGPT indicated that its responses may be less context-specific than human responses.

Context has been an interesting topic during recent discussions of AI. Some, perhaps many, perhaps the vast majority of humans think AI apps like ChatGPT have no understanding of “context”.

Here’s the Q&A series –

Me: What do you know to be true/actual about optimists and pessimists?

ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I can provide information on the general characteristics and tendencies associated with optimists and pessimists, but it’s important to keep in mind that individuals can vary in their thinking styles and behaviors. Here are some commonly observed traits of optimists and pessimists:


  • Have a positive outlook on life and tend to focus on the good in situations
  • Believe that things will generally work out for the best
  • Are open to new experiences and challenges
  • Tend to have better physical and mental health outcomes
  • Are more resilient in the face of adversity
  • Are more likely to take risks and be innovative


  • Have a negative outlook on life and tend to focus on the bad in situations
  • Believe that things will generally not work out for the best
  • Are more cautious and risk-averse
  • Tend to have poorer physical and mental health outcomes
  • Are more vulnerable to anxiety and depression
  • May have a more realistic view of situations, but can also be overly negative

It’s important to note that optimism and pessimism can both have advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation, and a balance of both thinking styles may be beneficial for overall well-being and success.

Me: Was ChatGPT designed with optimism and/or pessimism inclinations?

ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I was designed to be neutral and unbiased in my responses, without any inherent inclinations towards optimism or pessimism. My responses are based on analyzing patterns and relationships in language data from a wide variety of sources, and providing information and insights that are relevant to the user’s query. While I can provide information on optimism and pessimism, I do not hold any personal beliefs or biases.

Me: Describe the advantages and disadvantages ChatGPT’s neutral and unbiased messages have over the messages presented by optimistic and pessimistic humans

ChatGPT: One advantage of ChatGPT’s neutral and unbiased messages is that they are not influenced by personal beliefs or biases, which can reduce the risk of providing inaccurate or misleading information. This can be especially important when providing information on sensitive or controversial topics.

Another advantage is that neutral and unbiased messages are more inclusive and can appeal to a wider audience with diverse perspectives and backgrounds. This can promote greater understanding and respect between individuals with different viewpoints.

However, one disadvantage of neutral and unbiased messages is that they may lack emotional depth or personal connection. Optimistic or pessimistic humans may be able to provide more personalized and relatable messages that resonate with individuals on a deeper level. Additionally, humans may be better equipped to provide nuanced responses to complex situations, while ChatGPT’s responses may be more formulaic and less context-specific.

Ultimately, the advantages and disadvantages of neutral and unbiased messages versus optimistic or pessimistic messages will depend on the context and the needs of the user.

Me: You mention ChatGPT’s responses may be less context-specific that human responses. Why did you choose to use the word “may” in that response?

ChatGPT: I used the word “may” because ChatGPT’s ability to provide context-specific responses depends on the quality and quantity of the training data that it has been exposed to. While ChatGPT has been trained on a vast amount of data and is capable of generating context-specific responses, it may not always be able to accurately understand the nuances of a particular context or situation.

Additionally, humans have the advantage of being able to draw on personal experiences and knowledge that may not be reflected in the data that ChatGPT has been trained on. This can allow them to provide more nuanced and personalized responses in certain situations.

Overall, while ChatGPT can provide context-specific responses, there may be instances where its responses are less precise or less nuanced than those of a human.


ChatGPT’s last response raises as many questions as answers.

When we present questions to ChatGPT and other AI language models, do they have/create any context beyond the data we place in our questions. I will be doing more investigation of “AI and Context”.

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