Applying Intuition – Custom Software Solutions Ensure Accounting Systems are Always Connected

Client’s Challenging Situation:

Most businesses use at least one 3rd party software product to perform their operating activity [retail sales, manufacturing, engineering, etc.] and a different 3rd party software product for working with their accounting data. When updates are performed on certain 3rd party software, the connections between that software and accounting software can “disconnect”. Occasionally, this problem creates significant problems for people in the accounting department.

Scope of the Problem:

A leadership services client asked us if we could help their IT department investigate a “3rd party software disconnect” problem that had lasted for months. Their operating software had been updated and that caused it to disconnect from their accounting software. When the problem could not be resolved, the accounting department had resorted to performing manual entries of their operating data. Manual data entry was time consuming, and the entire accounting department was working long overtime hours to ensure accounting work could be completed on time. Accounting department morale was suffering and relations between the accounting department and the operating department were strained.

Our Solution:

Our IT/tech/software affiliate visited our client’s business, investigated the problem, customized software, and remedied it within 2 hours.

The Value Delivered:

Morale in the accounting department improved immediately. Overtime expenses, thousands of dollars per month, disappeared. And, our client took steps to educate their IT people. [This “project” had a 1-day payback.]

Together our conversations can expand solutions and value

We look forward to helping you bring your ideas and solutions to life.
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